Harmonica and Hash at the Hume – Choogle On! #100 – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Harmonica and Hash at the Hume – Choogle On! #100

Harmonica and Hash at the Hume – Choogle On! #100
Harmonica and Hash at the Hume – Choogle On! #100

photo by UW on Christmas Eve at the hotel bar, art’ed up by Bread the Producer who also edited and mixed this episode

During the Festive season – holed up at an historic hotel in Nelson BC sampling local hashish – a sloppy Uncle Weed stumbles through stories with the loquacious harmonica master Xomaha who shares songs and harp licks while annotating the history of the mouth harp from German beer halls to American plantations.

Along with wise ganja analysis comes a story about a trippy night in Peru influenced by giant psychedelic Morpehus mushroom moths; his roots from Seattle “paying dues” in a changing city; youthful times in the Bay Area seeing Taj Mahal, Grateful Dead, Crosby Stills and Nash, Jefferson Airplane, Steve Miller, Cat Stevens… Plus anecdotes from Hunter S. Thompson and Dalai Lama, and a call to action to contribute to the collective intelligence. 

Hunker down for Harmonica and Hash at the Hume – Choogle On! #100 (.mp3, 17:53, 17MB)

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