Stamp your envelope for: Letters from Russia on Santa Cruz Free Radio (.mp3, 57:07, 26MB)
DJ Snailmail and DJ Anon discuss Letters from Russia with writer Dave Thorvald Olson on the “WriteNow! The Art & Action of Letterwriting” show, Dec. 2007 on Santa Cruz Free Radio – low-power unlicensed station – also streaming live.
Thanks to DJ Snailmail for invite and Bread the Producer for capture.
Pingback: Letters from Russia / development notes, sketches, drafts — Dave Olson Creative Life Archive
Pingback: “Letters from Russia” – a prezo from Northern Voice, 2009 (audio) — Dave Olson Creative Life Archive
Pingback: Preamble – Letters from Russia, Part 1 — Dave Olson Creative Life Archive
Pingback: “Letters from Russia” discussion on “Write Now!” radio show – interview transcription — Dave Olson Creative Life Archive
Pingback: Letters from Russia serialized in Exode.ca « Ephemeral Feasthouse ~ Observations by Storymaker Dave Olson AKA Uncle Weed
Hope the hostility subsides Kristopher – I wrote Letters from Russia to encourage peace and openness rather than conflict and consternation.
Whichever way you view LfR, this work of fiction is definitely not a “prank” and certainly was not meant to confuse anyone – I thought the “note to reader “preface would make the fictional nature clear.
As pointed out in the interview, i wrote the letters individually in the summer of 2004 and bundled them along with paintings in a book made of wood and hemp. Now wondering what to do with the project next.
I have just learned that these letters are not authentic. I had feared as much. More should have been done to make that fact obvious from the outset, and the fact that more was not done leaves me now feeling somewhat hostile towards the work and its author. This “project” seems to me to be nothing more than a well written prank.