Colophon – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive


Sidebar: life site / whole life archive
Pete Word’s note, thanks Pete Word. *it is* a whole life archive

This current site is an evolution in-process from various site/blog/columns and whatnot created by Dave since 1995 – plus content created in the “pre-www” days culled from various floppy discs, ditto machine newsletter, photo-copied fanzines, journals, scrapbooks and shoeboxes of ephemera.

Previously existed in various forms in these various deprecated / defunct locations and/or retired projects:


was built by importing content from many of the above sources plus:

Note to self: robots are in turned-off mode on above.

a living project, my own story


This site was nascent-ly assembled in 2014 with much assistance from Duane Storey, as well as help from Rebecca Bollwitt and John Bollwitt of Sixty4media, Jason Sanders, and sometimes Jay Stewart plus inspiration from Pete Word.

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