Whilst tidying up all Canucks Outsider-related ephemera, I’ve rounded up a few oddments of media coverage and Fanzone related stuff for posterity. There are more out there so i’ll gather photos by my Crazy Canucks colleagues and stash ’em here as possible.
See also:
Canucks Outsider podcast episode art archive
Hockey NW and Canucks Outsider design archive
My grassroots Canucks media coverage began with the “Pig Express” my own publication from 1979 – this edition featured then-GM Jake Milford flying to Sweden to recruit players
At the SLC 2002 Olympics came my anecdotal CBC HNIC appearance with Don Cherry, Ron McLean and Joe Neiuwendyk’s brother Gilles – Don Cherry wore my furry hat (thanks to brother Anders) which was featured in his montage for a few seasons – i spoke with Ron and Don about my daily photo journal of 28 events in 13 days
Vancouver Courier’ Mark Hasiuk wrote up the Canucks Outsider podcast during the playoff run on 2007 with special emphasis on my support of the international fans
Much more after the jump …
Vancouver Courier Newspaper article on the Canucks Outsider podcast
Roland Tanglao and I went to CBC to talk about Alive for the Playoffs on On the Coast with Pria Raymu during that same playoff run of 2007
Canucks Outsider podcast interview on CBC Radio One
John, Rebecca and I appeared on Get Connected on CKNW in 2007 mostly to discuss technical podcast stuff as The Crazy Canucks – TCC#35 – The Crazy Canucks GetConnected interview
DaveO talking with the Get Connected dude by Miss 604
CTV did a segment during playoff run 2007 as well – with a setup at Library Square along a set-up with the Bollwitt home – The Crazy Canucks on CTV & TCC#30 – Library Square Pub with CTV
Dave’s Hat, JJ’s Shirt by Miss 604
CBC Radio One invited me to talk hockey on BC Almanac in Oct. 2008 – here’s the old studio
Thursday, Oct. 9th, 2008
Again on CBC Radio One’s BC Almanac with Mark Forsythe dissuading Canucks fans from jumping during losing streak + fielding calls (so much fun!) in Jan. 2009
Canucks Outsider on BC Almanac, CBC Radio 1
L’Express du Pacifique covered fan culture and my hockey culture projects in “Fans sur la toile” by Camille Pesnel in March of 2009
Canucks Outsider in L’Express du Pacifique talking fan culture
CTV Global News brought on me on during playoff run 2009 along with young Josh Hall and Jamie of Anton Sledgehammer Creative to chat with Deborah Hope (I was clearly her fave ;-))
Earlier that day, i appeared again on CBC Radio One’s “Early Edition” with Rick Cluff to preview the critical Game 6.
CBC Radio One brought me in again to discuss the Team Canada sweater launch on Early Edition with Rick Cluff ~ but first i mugged with the wall of personalities