Healing: Story of a bath in Chiang Mai, Thailand – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Healing: Story of a bath in Chiang Mai, Thailand

a view of bathtub at Rainforest Boutique hotel in Chiang Mai, Thailand – this time phot’d with a slice of papaya

What follows comes from my erstwhile “Healing Journal” – written/compiled on a foggy meandering journey to various countries visiting all manner of hospitals, clinics and exploring various healing modalities and techniques.

Shared here more-or-less unedited for posterity (whatever that is) and to shed light to those struggling who might come across this riff. Please watch the “Healing Ramble, introduction” video for context on this series.

Chiang Mai, Thailand (3 visits various times between 2016-2018)

Along my healing journey, I’ve traveled to various countries seeking treatment and relief. In my condition with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome / myalgic encephalomyelitis, my energy is very low and I’m easily overwhelmed by the lights, sounds, commotion… and then i crash and am stuck in bed with pain and delirious exhaustion (which depletes neuro-transmitters leading to mood ummm swings).

me, bathmode

All of these conundrums make travel by conventional means very difficult. As such, I strategically rely on quiet, calm rooms with bathtubs for recovery after long periods of travel. And, importantly, I travel with various items to make my self-care more effective and pleasurable, particularly during these hot, therapeutic baths.

These items often include (as described in caption) :

Healing bath: hot hot balm for muscles
hot hot balm for muscles
homeopathic (i know, i know) remedy given to me at Aurovile India when i learned my Mo died and i had to take an epic journey to Utah
Lavender (calming) and Eucalyptus (healing) organic body lotion for my ultra sensitive skin
Beard Oil, made for Vikings (of which i am one)

Also common in my kit are:

  • Japanese bath salts (from natural hot springs)
  • other various soaps and incenses
  • tincture of the moskito mushroom (toxic when prepared improperly or in large doses)
  • lavender oil (to sprinkle in my bath and also put on various pressure points and by my nose)

I often sit in bath for 2 to 3 hours so having fruit snacks (in this case papaya), and plenty of freshwater and/or herbal tea at hand is very important to stay hydrated.

Note: while i repeat this routine in various location, in this case, the hotel I stay at in Chiang Mai features very large rendered concrete bathtubs (either rectangle or or circular).

a bath tub in my otherwise dark room at Rainforest Boutique hotel (note laptop and water bottle for scale)

Importantly, at this hotel in Chiang Mai, I can be from the airport to the hotel in less than half an hour, making the flights more tolerable knowing I have a safe landing space for recovery.

The hotel is called Rain Forest Boutique, it’s away from the relative hecticness of the rather pleasant but tourist-filled city with related touts and distractions, and also has swimming pools and a breakfast buffet which I can fill a tray and take back to my room to eat in quiet.

It’s also located close to the train station for easy getaway for going to the “allopathic“ modern hospital and traditional Thai clinic in the rather anonymous city of Phitsanulok for hospital tests, treatments, and Doctor consults.

For your bath enthusiasts, a few more snaps: 

a reference photo of the aforementioned bathtub at Rainforest Boutique hotel in Chiang Mai, Thailand
the bathtub again, this time with Japanese bath minerals added for extra soothing healing goodness
yet another view of a rectangular bathtub at Rainforest Boutique hotel – this time photo’d with an orange and glasses

Various visits, same bath, different toes. 

another view of the same bathtub on another visit with my toes and soap

1 thought on “Healing: Story of a bath in Chiang Mai, Thailand”

  1. Pingback: Tips for airports & traveling chronically ill — Dave Olson Creative Life Archive

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