So being back to work in this start-up is starting to be a regular job and not too bad at that – well it would be better if i was getting paid ;-) This weekend was split between hockey and housecleaning. I worked sorta late on Friday trying to get some stuff to the printers (unsuccessfully BTW) so didn’t go to pick-up hockey that night, opting rather to go out and about with my gf, the lovely Ms. Lisa. We went for a beverage at the Westside lanes bowling alley and sipping while people watching, figuring out who’s who in different bowling groups, enjoying the interpersonal dynamics amongst the vinyl benches and curvy chairs on the mezzanine level.
Then off to the movie theater at the dang ole mall. I usually would drive to Yelm to see a flick but the 40 minute drive wasn’t sounding too enjoyable so we braved the sticky floors and smell of diapers. Saw the Mike Myers and some eye candy chickies in a movie about following your dreams – in this case as a flight attendant. Rather disposable movie but some funny bits.
So Saturday was a big day at the Evergreen pavilion as my Chiefs youth hockey teams started their season, plus a big win for the Canucks that night but i got a few things to do so that will wait til later …