But these memories from a wallet on the way to another place where i had a house where some magical things happened, found that banknote – somehow with smell still attached, then remembered the ants, the sand, the fruits, the lingering conversations under palms, covering myself in fresh aloe and soaking in freshwater pools, trying to improve diving technique off of “the jumping rock” which also saw some bonfires, signal fires really…, learning how to jerk meat, cooked low and slow over charcoal made under giant dirt mounds – But mostly i’ll remember my first night where a wild Bush tiger (who I later a retained as my personal roller when he wasn’t out gallivanting in some suspect activities) pulled out a giant box of weed – leaves, small flowers, stems, stocks and buds – and threw it on the bonfire, never forget that smell, wafting into a night of endless stars after another truly spectacular sunset