These Postcards come with a scribble note of unexpected affection from my official fountain pen, meanwhile, items by post of late (and late they are) include:
- Everest First Day Cover Aerogramme
- Inscribed book by ephemera art master
- Poetry collection from a laureate
- Concorde First Day Cover from a flight which may not be useful
Investigate below:

First day Everest Aerogramme, Aug 1, 1975, Nepal / waiting for destination.

There is only one postmaster authorized to use this stamp / do you know who? hints: #griffinandsabine #katin Yup, Nick Bantock and his new limited edition book “WasNick”.

There is always a Present Moment to spend with Gary Snyder, poet laureate of all that is good coming my way herein Japan where he roamed from just across the Taiheyo in the Sierras.

Aqaba to Amman via Concorde, first day cover envelope with all sorts of flair!
As AB Thimpson pointed out,
“My first thought was: this is intensely Romantic, and it’s an excellent sort of artifact. My second thought was: Aqaba is like a day’s drive from Amman, though maybe not in 1989; it doesn’t make sense to take a Concorde, of all things. I guess the service existed anyway, but odd”
Indeed! I have so many questions including: are there really 2 runways big enough? And why? So much to learn. And who (that lovely queen perhaps)? … Such a great piece, couldn’t resist as Aqaba holds a piece of my heart (& so many pieces of flair adorning).
Evidence follows: