Post’d: envelope backs – maps, generally

Post’d: envelope, backs – maps

To remind and inspire myself, i often photograph envelopes before they embark on their journey. The fronts contain folks’ personal address (which i shoot to keep a record i never actually look back upon to recall who i’ve mailed) so i shan’t share that bit, but i will gallery up the backs – really for no purpose, just for amusement and artsy funtimes. 

This batch all have envelopes made from re/upcycled maps. The paper is robust and colourful and well-suited for the purpose. Well, truth is, one simply has a sticker map of Hokkaido, but a maps a map so here we are.

Post’d: envelope, backs – maps

Post’d: envelope, backs – maps
Post’d: envelope, backs – maps
Post’d: envelope, backs – maps
Post’d: envelope, backs – maps