art – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive
Field Notes, Japan Life/Travel, Personal Musings

Field Notes: Naoshima art island & Uno Port, Setouchi 2019

Field Notes: Anyway, this preamble suggests this article will share something useful about the region however it does not :)

Since then, I’ve learned much more but really the best resources are below in the form of Setouchi Explorer blog and Island Art Center’s dispatches. But hey, some fun snaps of ferries, outdoor installations and other cafe and villages vibes here.

Consider this a placeholder for further documentation {if you have something “non-generic tourist pablum to share, let me know}

My experience, despite living so close, is very limited and in this case the following snapshots are from a simple day trip to Naoshima in which I visited zero museums

You see, in June 2019, my arborist wife was working nearby Uno port, a jumping off point to the islands, so I bussed over (along, the way documented my reading, coffees and flashbacks per usual

Field Notes: Naoshima art island & Uno Port, Setouchi 2019 Read Post »

Letters from Russia

Letters from Russia / development notes, sketches, drafts

In 2004, I created a mixed-media creative writing project called “Letters from Russia” which was meant to be a series of well,… *obviously* letters written from Russia from the point of view of a cobbler in Napoleon’s army to his lover in France. All in all an unlikely and complicated conceit conceived as was a way to discuss various topics around love and war.

Letters from Russia / development notes, sketches, drafts Read Post »

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