When a poem comes, you grab the paper and pen that’s closest & scribble the muses’s desire – and then I think to myself “you better organize this and put it somewhere systematic to later transcribe and you know, edit or whatever” / but since the *system* always changes and things disappear quickly, sometimes i find snapshots of the first wild poem sparks in process so, rather than forgetting about the whole thing and recovering some decades later, i’m stashing here. I may or may not ever be able to read this and who knows when will transcribe, but might do it here in a minute… or maybe next year, or maybe a robot will do it for me.. or the biographers. Who’s to say? My job is to write it and archive in some manner or another.
Keep Diggin'
Where do you disappear? #poem
Shoebox / March 7, 2023
Where do you go whenYou disappear?I have a hunch(and want to ask)…
unfinished milk
Shoebox / January 5, 2024
He’s back to schoolWhich means:I dump his leftover milkOn my porridge (I…
Snippets and words, w/o context per se {transcribed from notebooks}
Shoebox / January 26, 2023
Still enamoured by overbitesOn your couch learning FrenchFrench as slowly as possiblePrevents…
Sleep only to sleep #poem
Shoebox / December 27, 2019
I sleep only to sleep Dream when awake So recollection improves Offers…
Shifting Latitudes
Shoebox / June 17, 2014
Shifting latitudes Bound for healing waters Sandy ground of characters, fishers &…
Senryu / assorted, (rather silly, some not)
Shoebox / August 29, 2022
Senryu are meant to be (the more formal, serene and seasonal)Haiku’s sillier…