Tag Archives: story of a story

Northern Voice 2009 Speaker Submission – Story of a Story (letters from russia)

Not to spoil any surprises but if i don’t post it here, i’ll misplace my notes and forget what i pitched to Northern Voice 2009 (awesome site by Alexa Booth too).

Pending acceptance, this will be my 4th year spieling forth to the assembled masses.

Year 1 – i pinch hit on a “Blogging your Passion” panel with awesome folks and impromptu banter and anecdotes

Year 2 – i was emergency replacement call up for “3 Ps of Podcasting” featuring my Bob Dylan-esque analog presentation

Year 3 – i was among the chosen and presented the secretive “F@ck Stats, Make Art” preso to the delight of most assembled

Year 4 – i’m hoping for a “creativity track” with Nancy White, Monique Trottier, Rachel Ashe and other artsy, craftsy types in a row – here’s my pitch and bio for 2009 (both awkwardly written in 3rd person):

Story of a Story (Letters from Russia)

Content – whether blog article, photo, video, podcast – should tell a story. The best stories are retold and shared with others, and the very best stories create conversations which might live on for generations.

How does a content creator elevate their work from craft to art? The same creative parameters apply whether the delivery method is digital or analog or both. When applied with vigour, the work elevates to something beyond an ephemeral musing.

Using a mixed-media project called “Letters from Russia” as a example, Dave will discuss practical tactics for harnessing inspiration, plotting the big picture, grinding out the “real work”, and finally creating a satisfying tangible artifact.

Dave will discuss the role of blogs, podcasts, reader interaction, RSS, and self-publishing with chapbooks and/or on-demand web services as efficient methods of sharing and distributing the project to an audience.

Presenter Bio

Poet, podcaster, pundit, and chronic documentarian, Dave Thorvald Olson particularly enjoys making arts and crafts and listening to vinyl albums while gazing at trees or soaking in a hot bath.

An ace marketer by day and renegade social media brewer by night, Dave gracefully nurtured, launched, sold, and/or jettisoned several internet companies. He now works for Raincity Studios (partially) revolutionizing the way media is created, consumed, and shared.

Published in numerous magazines, journals, and books, Dave is most proud of his handmade chapbooks, static montage art, and international audio hi-jinks. His co-conspirators frequently comment on his ability to recount stories after several micro-brews while inventing new lexicon and avoiding the bill.