Got Skype’d up with John, Rebecca, JJ and Alanah for another roundtabl, hot-stove during which we discuss the games vs. Wild (loss), Avs (close loss) and Dallas (last minute win).
Crazy Canucks #6 [36:34m] if you aren’t subscribed, feed this tasty morsel into your preferred pod-o-rator.
Amongst the minor technical glitches, highlights include JJ encouraging Matt Cooke produce points and tell us poor folks what it’s like to actually go to the games, Alanah addressing the Morrison trade rumours and expressing vitriol to the Avs Canuck killers, John reminicing about his days as a goalie and Rebecca recapping Burrows’ shopping exploits while I reveal my respect for Jacques Lemaire’s suntan, young Alex Edler (“discovered” by classic Canucks/scout Thomas Gradin), props to Dallas’ veteran talent and finally, offer a shout out to the worldwide Nuck fans. Plus we mention the new Canucks site and player blogs.