Vote for John at SXSW 2010 – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Vote for John at SXSW 2010

RT @johnbiehler: Here’s some details about my 2010 #sxsw Interactive panel submission: {prepare to vote for john!}


My 2010 SXSWi Panel Submission

This year I decided (at practically the last minute) to submit a panel idea for SXSW Interactive 2010 that will be held in March next year. Regular viewers of this site know that I attend and love SXSW and 2010 will mark my fifth year heading down to Texas.

Ballroom A is big

So what’s the panel called?
“Do cool kids leave when the suits arrive?”

What’s the topic? (50 word synopsis, as originally submitted)
What happens when business models get in the way of being social
online? How can the social web evolve and meet the needs of all users
rather then the loudest? Join this important panel discussion on
co-creating fun and valuable experiences with your users from a
design, business and user perspective.

Who else will be on the panel?
I’ll be moderating the panel with a pretty awesome lineup of folks including Chris Heuer, Chris Messina, Eddie Codel and Amanda Rose.

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