Marc Emery Taken into Custody for Extradition, September 28th 2009 (cameo by me)
Keep Diggin'
You Have the Right to Stay Out of Jail
Cannabis, Annotated, Tools + Annotations / January 7, 2014
You Have the Right to Stay Out of Jail
Why Michael Phelps can’t bring his bong to the pool. – By Brian Palmer – Slate Magazine
Cannabis, Annotated / February 3, 2009
Why Michael Phelps can’t bring his bong to the pool. – By…
White House Czar Calls for End to ‘War on Drugs’ –
Cannabis, Annotated / May 30, 2009
White House Czar Calls for End to ‘War on Drugs’ –…
What to say to the Police (hint: nothing!)
Cannabis, Annotated / June 2, 2008
Professor James Duane, a fast-talking, charmingly rebellious, and engaging law professor gives…
Washington State Updates Medical Cannabis Law
Cannabis, Annotated / May 24, 2007
From comes this excerpt from SB 6032 – a bill to…
Washington State hearings on medical marijuana limits and Hempfest
Cannabis, Annotated / August 25, 2008
See Cannabis Defense Coalition for more info on this ongoing issue. State’s…