I am so proud of you for rolling through another topsy turvy year, nothing but good times ahoy
I’ve got some projects in mind to make – possibly significant, hopefully interesting and definitely analog, hopefully things I can share and ship // paints, scissors and microphones will all be involved
The theme is “back to the barn”– which now has double banister for safety up to the studio and lounge – yay!
Probably be around here less but you’ll hardly notice after all [in brief: he task of personal diary documentation has become far to fiddly – there’s always something update and a glitch to sort out which squeezes out my minimal screen time, so gonna let the dust settle on the web publishing tools until the robots are ready to help me, gracefully and reliably]
Ya see, feeling like I need a new story as i’m not *just* that “guy who helped make those Internet companies” nor “that guy who went by thumb, van, train, ship finding curious circumstances around the world” or “the fella who strategically advocated for normalization of hemp in all its forms through quirky documentaries, polite lobbying and essays” or “that new foreign guy in a minor provincial city in Japan” though definitely still “a minor modern beat poet”… I mean i’m all of those guys – and proudly so, and more!
I’m Ryoko’s hubbo and Ichiro Stanley’s papa
I am a correspondent and consigliere maintaining 100s of conversations simultaneously
I am a unwitting passenger on a colossally strange medical journey, surviving
And I am an endless mixed-multi-media font of creativity who very much enjoys taking a project from idea to completion and floating it out into the world #NoMoreForeverProjects
I want to do lots of these things (especially rid myself of the illness but im doing all I can on that front)
So my priorities remain for the year ahead:
1) Be a great husband and papa and Ryoko business and passion endeavors as best I can and being patient, playful, thoughtful dad “showing up” for Ichiro providing a safe and adventurous environment and lifestyle
2) Taking care of my health to the very best of my abilities, sifting through the medical systems (for which I’m very grateful), showing up an appointments with a memorandum, in a timely manner, open to dialogue with the professionals and stick handling through the admin
3) Keeping the house (which is almost expanded with the new caboose) under control with the dishes washed, the laundry folded, and art hanging for inspiration / but I ain’t picking up the toys no more kiddo
4) Turn off the screens, put on the pleasant blinders, break the mirror, put on a cassette and “fck stats, make art”
As such, keep an eye out for what comes next, with a disclaime it might be nothing at all as rest is the greatest gift
PS come by for coffee and a jam if you’re in the area