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Keep Diggin'
Yup, noticed transit pass dangling around his big, hairy neck…
Transit Chronicles / August 15, 2009
Yup, noticed transit pass dangling around his big, hairy neck @mikebrowne Glad…
Yup i know its not a free service…
Transit Chronicles / October 15, 2009
Yup i know its not a free service – my family spends…
worked SeaBus perk into terms & conditions for writing “I Love Transit” essay…
Transit Chronicles / July 26, 2009
Kinda worked SeaBus perk into terms & conditions for writing “I Love…
wonder if they know it *just* opened?…
Transit Chronicles / August 20, 2009
Kinda cool to see tourists already using the Canada line from the…
wish i always traveled in pairs…
Transit Chronicles / October 15, 2009
You should consider attending the next Vancouver Transit Camp to share your…
Whew ~ on final leg of #daily #Translink triathlon…
Transit Chronicles / June 26, 2009
Whew ~ on final leg of #daily #Translink triathlon ~ met a…