3 Phones for teleporting and transmission (+ haiku for Mom) – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

3 Phones for teleporting and transmission (+ haiku for Mom)

a black phone in Noto, Japan reminds me of my childhood 604-584-7930 and my Mom, hence haiku

+ Mother’s Day haiku +

Our home phone number
Felted inside rubber boots
So I was never lost

{note re haiku form}

2 devices for time travel: as seen at a cafe in Okayama

Where have you teleported recently?

this pink pay phone 10¥ will be added to a box atop this stump and used to call anyone, anywhere, anytime

Phone to the Wind: give a call, no matter where in the universe. ¥10 optional.

1 thought on “3 Phones for teleporting and transmission (+ haiku for Mom)”

  1. Pingback: Diary: 3 wooden stick projects (sign post, postbox, wind phone) — Dave Olson Creative Life Archive

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