Scenes of Tokyo Olympic Life in Japan on CKNW Radio, Vancouver – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Scenes of Tokyo Olympic Life in Japan on CKNW Radio, Vancouver

Okayama Calling ~ DaveO on the Air

Unrelated photo of Japanese Corespondent and Multi-purpose pontifying pundit

Another talkie talkie scene report about Tokyo2020 Olympics from Japan on CKNW 980 AM radio Vancouver from Monday Aug 2nd, 5PM PDT (or Aug 3rd Tues 9AM JST) with Martin Strong / embedded and downloadable for your convenience.

No shortage of topics & conundrums 😉

Discussed: medal and C19 counts, table tennis, Judo, USA v CAN Football, Belorussian refugee, Georgian miscreant bubble breakers, lack of celebration, mixed emotions, going rogue, quasi-states of confusion and emergency, typhoons and surfing, 13 year old and sibling champs, unwanted positivity & hopeful negativity etc.

Questions welcome. Unrelated photo above for amusement.


statistics ahoy
medal counts
case counts
high temps
13 year skateboarders
fainting archers
boycotting doctors
exiled Georgians
positive pole vaulters
endless table tennis
food complainers
overwhelmed translators
yet more quasi sorta states
“Olympics fever” headlines
impending elections
bed hijinks
grandstanding IOC
double speak (we were fine to cancel but… )
war chests
“athletes should just do their job”
refugee Belorussians
legacy of athlete’s “standing up” for a minute
4% of revenues goes to athletes
my idea of Sean Lennon singing Imagine woulda be great(er)

Listen in embedded player above or direct mp3 if preferred: 

Description: Guest – Dave Olson – Grew up in Whalley – lived in Lynn Valley – and now living in Japan; Attended several Olympic Games; Ran a social media aggregator during the 2010 Games called True North Media House

Previous hit 7/13 with Jody Vance: Countdown to Tokyo 202x Olympics with “Scene Report” on CKNW Radio, Vancouver

Previous hit 5/27 with Jody Vance: Talking Tokyo Olympic conundrums on CKNW Radio, Vancouver

More on The 6/02 pod: Tokyo Olympics (+ Beijing) and IOC Hubris on podcast

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