Tis no secret i enjoy trains and would ride trains everywhere given a choice of trains, planes and automobiles. I noticed this noble Canadian Pacific train idling on the tracks by Waterfront station. I snapped some identification shots to find out the story from a transportation veteran like Stephen Rees.
My biggest question is: Can i ride this Halifax? Really, how do i get aboard with a berth and permanent seat in the bar car? Who’s running this train?
This train looks to be from the era of the Trans-Continental Pop Festival’s fabled “Festival Express” train from the legendary train+alcohol+LSD-powered cross-Canada tour of counter-culture bands (Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin, The Band) in 1970. I’d love to recreate that trip!
Side note: here’s how the tour went down:
Concert dates
- ( Montreal, Quebec (June 24, 1970) – not allowed by Montreal’s Mayor )
- CNE Grandstand – Toronto, Ontario (June 27-28, 1970)
- Winnipeg Stadium – Winnipeg, Manitoba (July 1, 1970)
- McMahon Stadium – Calgary, Alberta (July 4, 1970)
- ( Vancouver, British Columbia – not allowed by Vancouver city council )
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Good luck with a-riding that train.
Just in case you didn’t know about this coming along soon…
I already have the Abbotsford stop in my calender.