Dedicated to Larry the Desert Rambler on 70th birthday

Dedicated to Larry Harper in his 70th year. The Sensei who told me – as a 17 yr old high school drop out taking ceramics, mountaineering and photography at community college – to write and write more. So i did.


My Declaration

As for me, I choose to forge my own place in history, to determine my own ends rather than subject my precious life for the exclusive use of any man – monarch or otherwise. Without my freedom to be what, and who, I choose, I have lost all! No matter how insignificant my life’s work, at the least my life is of my own choosing and my labours, at my own volition. My action, my loves, my thoughts will determine my life’s significance, and I will not surrender to fate’s whims. I alone will live this life and this value I will not compromise.