Diary: excessively translucent figuring *it* out (how to do less) – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Diary: excessively translucent figuring *it* out (how to do less)

Back on the bus, feeling like that beat up $20 bill you hide in your shoe when on a renegade hitchhike. Battered, bruised, tattered, diminishing in value however, I’m still up and at it, heading to medical appointment, (looking super cute ;) ha

And I shouldnt cover up my snappy new haircut with a hat but a bit chilly out

For the record, these bus stop photos are not an exercise in vanity. (obviously), snapped as date/time reminders so I can keep my diary of medical appointments accurate, (if I forget to scribble in a note)

Sometimes the bus service has “free days” once a month. Did I tell you I love this bus service? Yes I know I did.

Back on beloved Uno bus with Wi-Fi service (my current phone doesn’t have data nor phone service. It’s basically just an iPod touch, but with a Sim slot, 2 actually, but neither operational)… Makes it a little tricky to time buses.

Had a bit of time to wait after checking the paper schedule at the stop sign so hit up the 7-Eleven for hot milk tea, steamed pork bun, and some gloves as it’s quite chilly out. Read Murakami Ryu’s “69” on a bench wactching street cars.

IMO Street cars are best all-around public transport when considering building/operating cost + ease of use, charm & accessibility.

This week is also back to the Okayama university research hospital // they are doing a really nice job with me, but my goodness, the anxiety ramps up as it’s a hectic day out and then a couple days of recovery :(

Really feeling tattered, battered and discouragement recently to be honest.

Importantly/subtext of all of this is: slow down, work on my mental health as well as physical health.

So much is wonderful but I just can’t seem to find any kind of the rythm & spark.

My wife is sensational, my kiddo, exceptional, my in-laws, fantastic, our home is generally all right (always something to be done & often bit messy because life but you know,…) and so much I want to do creatively, but I suppose I’m just tired of being tired #MECFS

Anyway, I’m home now, going to warm my dog bones in a hot bath, maybe hit some turpentine brandy / as such, this concludes this episode of: “excessively translucent and vaguely mundane musings from a somewhat-washed-up, but generally good-hearted pal in provincial Japan”

fondly, dvo

Technically, from a different bus ride, but one that didn’t get documented due to the whole website debacle – didn’t get a chance to document that properly but it’s hardly interesting and really quite stressful

Bonus: arrived home to the little fella waking up from his 38° plus fever nap, and having a messy throw up :( got that cleaned up with mama just in time for the groceries to be delivered. Whew, a bit of a whirlwind,… now about that bath.

Thank you for sticking with me pals.

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