frustrated with laborious process of crafting posts and desire to make some analog projects, (trying to) clear out the currently 286 posts from WP drafts folder as well as backfill a bunch of recent videos & diaries since June. Possibly futile but means I have lots to share :)

as it is, this site has about 5500 posts including the drafts, hopefully 100 of those I can clear out into other diaries to work on another time, plus many go to trash as involve missing videos from blip (remember that?) others are templates of a sort
a “stealth agent” is helping out with some of the tasks on a prioritization list including fixing a few of my “best of “posts (like the Varley series) which got borked as other hosts/outlets sunset PS I’m not closing this site, just tying a bow on it for now
{through all of this, I need to curve my perfectionist, overachiever tendencies, and just put some stuff up as a whole “container” for future artefacts}
once through holidays and foot is functional, going to head back to the kura barn studio to work on more audio recording, Longform writing & scrapbooking projects + try a new platform (ghost?) for keeping diary yet still share significant projects at current location, probably
for the record, I’m very grateful for the help I had getting this archiving project going, started by importing 13 different blogs, feeds, channels etc. all into one massive WordPress context, worked to properly categorize, tag and make everything as semantically tidy as I couldgGradually rebuilt all my podcast feeds and uploaded the original audio files to Internet archive which, has frequent snapshots of the site as a whole very important to me When WP switch to block editor (which I like) it messed up a lot of previous stuff but my biggest drag is File management with redundant caches, back ups, lingering plug-ins (especially jetpack) with fingers all over the place plus *so many* duplicates of images and lack of onboard optimization tools + Everything needs yet another plug-in + And the utter crap that is the mobile app
My delicate eyes and sensitive brain can only tolerate so much screen time per day and I’m not having any fun cleaning out stuff ++ and feel strongly that this tool in particular and tools in general could’ve evolved into creator-focused rather than developer-wankery / nerdfights
All this is to say, you might see increased volume of freshly published – but rather olden often times – or maybe previously viewed, posts shared here because, I like to share and I like to create but I don’t like to fiddle