Logistical Annotation re: archive moving & sortganizing – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Logistical Annotation re: archive moving & sortganizing

this shoe is made for walking – really, it’s not the best for walking but representing that this site is taking a bit of a stroll

A brief logistical note to say: due to the unique conundrum of having “lots of data” coupled with “rather modest traffic” has compelled me to change this archive’s hosting situation. As such, current run of several months straight of “tidying up the archive with loads of posts” will probably be paused for a little while

You probably won’t notice but consider this a notice that you might have noticed. I would ask you to wish me luck but really, that shouldn’t be required.

{In general, I’m trying to do a lot of data sorting and organizing – sortganizing – with this archive, various cloud storage, email addresses, payments schemes and podcast directly listings}



Also geekery from buddy Banghi:

hooray, quick pings!

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