Items, assembled: Stationery + household (stapler, clipboard, pencils/case, etc.) – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Items, assembled: Stationery + household (stapler, clipboard, pencils/case, etc.)

Assembled: stapler, pencils, clipboard, envelopes, pouches, etc. – all critical-ish tools for a crafty-ish poet.

Items: stationery, stapler (small, greenish) and staples (appropriately sized)
Items: stationery, stapler (small, greenish) and staples (appropriately sized)
Items: stationery, pencils (various colours) and eraser (2, black)
Items: stationery, pencils (various colours) and eraser (2, black)
Items: stationery, pencil case (brown with cat eating fish / zipper)
Items: stationery, pencil case (brown with cat eating fish / zipper)

Items: stationery, envelopes (manila, bank-sized, with string closure)
Items: stationery, envelopes (manila, bank-sized, with string closure)
Items: stationery, clipboard (orange, vinyl sewn cover)
Items: stationery, clipboard (orange, vinyl sewn cover)
Items: stationery, glue stick (Uhu brand / yellow), sticky notes (blue), pencil sharpener (blue, clear)
Items: stationery, glue stick (Uhu brand / yellow), sticky notes (blue), pencil sharpener (blue, clear)
Items: stationery, sticky putty (blue) note: handy for hanging paper items to wall)
Items: stationery, sticky putty (blue) note: handy for hanging paper items to wall)
Items: stationery, paper etc. storage pouch (clear vinyl with yellow zipper)
Items: stationery, paper etc. storage pouch (clear vinyl with yellow zipper)
Items: household, dish cloths (red / blue / grey / white) - also handy for painting clean-up
Items: household, dish cloths (red / blue / grey / white) – also handy for painting clean-up

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