You may know, I’ve participated in “Pecha Kucha 20×20” speaking series several times in Vancouver, including in April of 2010 – Apparently Pecha Kucha is pronounced anyway you choose, April of 2011 – Stories from Japan ~ Inspiration in 20 seconds at Pecha Kucha Vancouver – and an all-star edition in February of 2012 – Vancouver Cultural Anecdotes for Pecha Kucha All-Star Vancouver, Leap Day 2012.
I also had the thrill of heading up the road to Pecha Kucha Whistler in April of 2012. Check out this just-released version of my talk and slideshow where I show 20 slides for 20 seconds each and share my views on art, being a creator, and sharing with an audience:
Here’s the intro excerpt for my presentation:
Writer Dave Olson speaks about his personal experiences, explaining his view on art, and how to be a successful creator. He shares his opinions on how to develop and maintain a personal vision, and examines the space where vision and audience intersect.
If my prezo brought you any inspiration at all feel free to give it an applause or share it with your social networks.
A special thanks to Aki Kaltenbach for making it all happen. Read Aki’s blogpost – Six things I’ve learned from Pechakucha night – to find out more about what Pecha Kucha events are all about.
And to see who else who spoke at the Whistler event, read the Whistler Is Awesome blogpost.