Tag Archives: disguise

Memento: Lobbyists + Politicians

Lobbyist + Politicians: daveo disguised
Lobbyist + Politicians
Renegade lobbyists! Are you surprised he let me this close to two different governors of Washington State? For the record: Locke and Gregoire. Where is the security detail anyway? Plus, I stole a pen each time. 
Note: same jacket and tie i kept on stand-by at office for this purpose.
With Jay Stewart x 2 (representing Zhonka), Kevin one time (tag along), Gary something one time (representing Washington Association of Internet Service Providers i think), and Asst AG Hunter Goodman another time, others i can’t recall.
Photo by Capitol staff photog.

Disguise: Los Cousins Banditos

Los cousins Banditos: daveo disguised
Los cousins Banditos
Los Cousins Banditos (not officially Spanish). Cousins Keiza and Tal along with brother Bob and me, showing significant incompetence in gun-handling ability (hasn’t changed for me but possibly for others whoa re more inclined in adult times).

Disguise: Santa Claus (with priest and nun)

Santa Claus: daveo disguised
Santa Claus
When 17, I found a Santa Claus costume with splendid beard to be a suitable substitute for a fake ID in certain quarters. In this case, another year of the legendary Canyonlands Fat Tire Festival Halloween party in Moab.
Note: priest and the nun in conversation over my shoulder