Cobbled busy streets
Never felt so lonely and brave
So far away from any lover
Even further from your grave
Remember you on blue highways
See you in crowded bars
Feel you at desert campfires
Where we sing you name to stars
Steady on Time Traveler
We’ll see you in a decade past
Same way we saw you in a silent film
Organ playing far too fast
See you in Paris in the twenties
Drinks with Zelda and Fitz
Or in the Cavern in sixty-two
Lounging with Pete Best
Hot water sizzles in kettles
With black and white electricity
We’ll keep an eye on your kin
As though pleasant and obligatory
We’ll bore them with the stories
Of us – young, invincible and fine
Occasionally beautiful and convinced
We’d live to at least hundred and nine
Driving with your laughs
Talking with your hands
Swerving up forgotten backroads
To a reunion with unknown friends
Everyone’s champion