Tag Archives: Rod Ash

Memento: Rod H. Ash, Grave + Poem, 2017

On my birthday August 16, 2017, I found myself in Provo, Utah sleeping in yet another bed in which someone died. 

I try to forget about the day and it’s entirety, fiddled with assembling chapbooks as gifts, stamping inky thumbprints on them and giving them to folks who i pretend were pleased, and reading poems by Richard Brautigan.

Then the potter Marty Kendall and I went to see the grave of our dear pal Rod Howard Ash who passed away shortly before at an untimely age. I brought him a poem on vintage hotel letterhead written when I heard about his death wow meandering seas between the Suez. Somewhere in Aqaba or Olympia. (note: inspired a cycle of the “Items: Forgotten” series called “Time Traveller“). 

This marker was a temporary one, apparently is changed now. I think about this kind man all the time, so much style so much cool. Ugh. 

Worth noting a few months before, during memorial day weekend, we threw a party called “creepers and chums” as a tribute to him and my mother who well, also died.

PS Later that night we went to see Rod’s best pal Mikael Lewis perform and he sang a song we wrote about yet another dead pal Foster

Diamond Fork to El Cortez (2016) – Lomo photos (colour)

Whilst in Utah in autumn of 2016, I took a trip with my pals Marty the potter and Rod Ash (RIP), and his son and nephew, to beloved Diamond Fork hot springs (6ixth water, Spanish Fork canyon area). 

Indeed a special place to me. I hadn’t visited in many years and since then, the umm… cultural traditions had changed somewhat (nekkiedness not as prevalent or accepted, nevertheless…).

Anyhow, along the journey (beginning at Marty’s place in Provo) I snapped these pics with a Lomo La Sardina (Sardine can) camera loaded with expired film.

A few snaps ensued as evidenced in this assortment (unedited)…

A few days later, I made my way to Las Vegas to visit brother Anders and stay at the classic El Cortez hotel in Fremont area of town (off-strip). 

It was a slice of going back to the 1960s or something like that, my favourite part was walking down in the middle of the night in pyjamas and robe to the bar and no one batted an eye as they were all focussed on sticking another coin in another machine.

Not Being There (for Rod) / notes

Not Being There (for Rod)


(page 3?

Not being there

Instead a mediocre duo

Plays “Forever Young” 

And “Fast Car”)

Third time this

Death whilst elsewhere

Occurred in the past 5 years

Austin, Auroville, Athens


Where are you now? 

“Fast enough to fly away”

Year is 1988 

We are invincible

Marauding Utah Valley

Making best of seemingly 

Inconsequential locale


I order a Dead Guy ale 

At sea

Such an act 

anathema to sensitivity 


Me and a disposable fountain pen


Scribbling as fast as you drive

In an inconsequential notepad

The glue snaps with each page turned

Crackle like broken bones


Your photo on my phone 

Plaid shirt, goatee 

(before *everyone* sported same)

Holding a child

Is the child the artist of the lad 

Who wandered to Diamond? 


How do they hold up? 

I asked Mikhael at 3AM

As though i expected 

A reasonable answer


Next song is about 

“Getting here anyway you can” 

Airplane, sailboat, across deserts

Everysong is for you

Do they know?


“Holding Mountains…”

Just get here how you can

Fck, I am not there. 

Not even close

Instead chasing pariahs 

Around Arabia


The beer comes from Oregon

The cruise ship guitar is anonymous

Could be Mike and Denise instead


A mosaic of flowers on the wall

Covering your box

I imagine your hair

“Across the desert by caravan”

This destroys me

I wasn’t there


Next they sing 

“Oceans apart”

Describing to you

Where i am 

“Wherever you go”


Sappy as a Quebec maple tree

But still i stifle

I don’t want to be asked

But can’t be alone

In my room

Feeling all of THIS

This lost potential

Memories yet to make


Marty wept

Mikhael quavered

Spreading the hardest news


“How will we survive” 

The answer is “we won’t” 

Life ends for all of us

No SHIT, i sip again

To tentative to clapping


You are so loved

Hundreds appeared

Lined in the rain


X will dedicate songs for you

Children will learn of you

Your parents said good-bye to you

The worst occurrence conceivable

To we delicate beings


The others gone before you

From erstwhile tribe

Many tempted fate

Litany of poor decisions 

Dalliances and addictions

While you were simply 

Pure electricity


Now they sing

“You’re broken”

Yesterday i would hardly notice

Stroll by en route to a chat 

With an Indonesian waiter

Or Romanian photographer


Tonight the words burn incandescent

Others notice the lady is vaguely pretty

The guitarist rocks to seem engaged

And i drink and scribble to you

The people wonder about

The temperate “back home” 

A concept i lost along the way

I know the air is chilly is all


“Get your affairs in order”

Is sound advice

For a complex chronic wanderer

Prone to mishaps

To me likely

But, i am convinced

No one ever expected

This incident to be you

Whisked to canyon hot pots 

Just weeks before


Then “our last song is by our favorite band, the Eagles” 

My cue to leave

Hate the fcking Eagles

I pull Greek fisherman hat

(Which made me giggle hours ago)

Down more tightly

Step out onto deck

Into the wind 

Observe twinkling lights

From islands which 

I’ll never know the names

Time Traveler (for Rod)

Cobbled busy streets
Never felt so lonely and brave
So far away from any lover
Even further from your grave

Remember you on blue highways
See you in crowded bars
Feel you at desert campfires
Where we sing you name to stars

Steady on Time Traveler
We’ll see you in a decade past
Same way we saw you in a silent film
Organ playing far too fast

See you in Paris in the twenties
Drinks with Zelda and Fitz
Or in the Cavern in sixty-two
Lounging with Pete Best

Hot water sizzles in kettles
With black and white electricity
We’ll keep an eye on your kin
As though pleasant and obligatory

We’ll bore them with the stories
Of us – young, invincible and fine
Occasionally beautiful and convinced
We’d live to at least hundred and nine

Driving with your laughs
Talking with your hands
Swerving up forgotten backroads
To a reunion with unknown friends

Everyone’s champion

Tactility of Loss

Tactility of loss
A Pantheon of pals
Ash goes to ground
Ride on endless highways
From Timpanogos
To Olympus

Underway in the Aegean
Thoughts of Odysseus
And his compatriots
Most fond and trusted

Feeling so so alone
Along on a ship of celebrant retirees
And a smattering of newlyweds
Their future i’ll never know

A teleporter does me no good
Body buried and tears all shed
While In Aqaba pretending
To be Lawrence or Wilfred

I sit with futile cigars
And a bitter drink
And wonder
Why not me?
I can count six distinct times
In a four year stretch
Where i’ve fallen with no idea
Where i’d ever be buried
Buried and rotted without a sound

Oh Rod Howard, how grateful!
I was a man without a tribe
When i found you at the center
Of everything curious
Making bonfire look like a
Mere lighter flame

Everybody’s favorite
Never an unkind word
From or about you
Making magic
Never on time
But always worth the wait

Odysseus sailed here
According to Homer
Whose existence is debated
Escaping villains in caves
Out to scheme his way to
Kindly strangers
With flagons, actual skins,
Of undiluted wine

Your children, your joy
You had no need to run away like me
All your quests took you home
To parents who understood
Your heart, head and desire
To live
Full on

The chatter around me deafening
Who do i commiserate with when
No one knows your lofty heights
Your speed, your softness
You heard me hurt and came without hesitation
Late, but just on time

Rocky coastlines await me
In the coming hours
No helipad exit could
Provide ointment

I will arrive to sit
Perhaps a picnic
At your stone
Perhaps i’ll learn the origins
Of your middle name
Maybe you’ll join me
We’ll play X cassettes on a box covered in stickers
Tom Waits warbles and we’ll make a Jim Jarmusch film
To chronicle your days
From Sunset rock in Los Angeles
To sunset trips in desert canyons
Which still echo with your laugh

I wear a Greek fisherman’s cap
And blue woven shirt
Made as coarse as burlap
For shepherds and taxi drivers

Tear it off and scream
Why you? Why now? Why this?
But no answer impending
And frankly i’d be booted from the cafe

Not a hedonist glutton madman you
Taking corners fast because
You knew the limits of your tyres
Fine tuned for performance and attributes
No one else can define
Except those of us you wrested and cajoled
Invited next to you

These rocky headlands
Come into view
As the ship horn bellows a lament
Now as low as my sinking Mediterranean heart
The blue sea unworthy of my unholy
Reflections of me a mortal
Always running towards something you found
Right at home

I snap a photo of a saddest angler
Who never held a Rod
As sleek and strong as you
Held together glue, sounds
Cracking against the bluest sunset


Rod Ash 1969-2017
Big brother to us all

Preserving the Wildflower – Postcard #69


What becomes of the seemingly ephemeral creations we leave behind? Especially in the analog-days?

Consider these in the context of missing cassette tapes made by a now departed poet/activist/scholar Foster and guitar-ing Mikael, who recorded spontaneous youthful riffs in parent’s basement in Utah. In this postcard, Mikael  Lewis sings “Wildflower (for Foster)” written by Dave in a clinic in Nepal, then adds some more verses, spiels and a poem called “Occasionally Free” – with lightning, rainstorm and crickets chiming along.

Catch lightning with Preserving the Wildflower – Postcard #69
(25MB, 14:22, mp3, stereo)

Continue reading Preserving the Wildflower – Postcard #69

Lonely Cold Water Flat – Postcard #66

postcards lonely cold water flat-sm

Life in hotels, wandering alone and often blue and then the death of friends all converge in a series of poems including a song by Mikael Lewis about waiting for love in a Victorian hotel. Then, from the streets of Rome with a cappuccino comes a series about departed Rod H. Ash, including “Time Traveller” plus poetic riffs name-checking Charles Bukowski, Audrey Hepburn, Pete Best, the Fitzgeralds, Vatican’s Swiss guard and the post office by the Sistine Chapel and desert campfires.

Walk upstairs for: Lonely Cold Water Flat – Postcard #66
(13:39, 30MB, .mp3, stereo)

Continue reading Lonely Cold Water Flat – Postcard #66