Vanquishing Grecian Warlords – Postcard #39 – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Vanquishing Grecian Warlords – Postcard #39

Pod cover - Postcards from Gravelly Beach - GOH - Rickshaw

Embarking on a White Poppies for Remembrance Day series, Dave reads the role of King Agamemnon from the Oresteia by Aeschylus written in the 6th century BC. The King returns to Argos by chariot, with a captured royal concubine in tow, and tales of plunder and pillage after defeating Troy… and is then met by his conniving wife.

Music by Joe Williamson, “Arco Hotel” music for double bass. Recorded New Year’s Day 199?, Amsterdam, NL


Take a hostage for: Vanquishing Grecian Warlords – Postcard #39 (12MB, 128k mp3, 13:06)

Pod bonus - Postcards from Gravelly Beach – stonehenge-pillar
Stonehenge, but not *that* Stonehenge


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