“The Ferry Changes Tack” spoken-song at a beach (with coffee and pedicure) – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

“The Ferry Changes Tack” spoken-song at a beach (with coffee and pedicure)

Just me riffing on a song (lyrics by me, circa 2006 and chords by B. Rees‪@bigbadmedia‬ but don’t fault him for my lousiness) on baritone ukulele while drinking iced coffee from a wood-oven pizza beach shack and waiting for freshly painted toenails to dry – as such, added a spontaneous digression about the “lonely seaman” to stretch it out. Poor fella, just waiting for smokes while crossing tropics no one seems to understand.

spokensong #baritoneukulele #okayama #pedicure #icedcoffee #ferrychnagestack #lonelyseaman

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