Organizational Meeting – 2010 alternative and independent media centre – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Organizational Meeting – 2010 alternative and independent media centre

Welcome to the Ski JumpsNext Steps

With the Olympic Games barely a year a way, it’s time to organize the next steps of the campaign for an independent, alternative media centre before, and during, the 2010 Winter Olympics and Para-olympic Games in Vancouver and Whistler, BC. We aim to create an inclusive, apolitical and collaborative space for grassroots media creators to creative and publish content about sport and culture.

If you are ready to become further involved in this effort, we invite you to a follow-up meeting with the aim of forming some task-oriented committees and creating a board to organize this project over the next year.


February 3rd, Tuesday
6:00pm ~ 7:30pm
at Raincity Studios
1 Alexander, Suite 420 (buzz #420 for access)
Gastown, Vancouver, BC

Agenda notes

At this meeting, Robert Scales will discuss his conversations with the BC Independent (unaccredited) media centre and discuss some conversations with curious collaborators and corporate supporters. He will also preview the “Social Media and the Olympics” panel at the upcoming Northern Voice conference in which noted Olympic scholar Dr. Andy Miah from the UK will share his experience and knowledge (see his essays in “Owning the Olympics”). Dave Olson will offer a few remarks about the web focus group meeting including the IOC’s “constraints” and VANOC’s evolving web strategy.

In addition, the agenda will include ideation time and input from all participants and an opportunity to offer skills (and superpowers). Along with forming a board and committees, we’ll plan next steps and meetings, including a possible event to mark the one year countdown to the Games.

‘get in where you fit in’

Come with ideas and leave with follow-up items and projects to lead. To get things started, Robert, Kris and I propose to organize three committees for starters and then break out task forces and sub-committees as needed, ergo:

Robert Scales – Partnerships (sponsorships, fundraising, gov relations, corp outreach)

Kris Krug – Operations (programming, volunteer, facilities, finance, logistics)

Dave Olson – Communications (brand, messaging, media relations, web site, blog etc.)

Please use the Wiki to collaborate on organizational structure ideas and suggest topics to add to the agenda.


If you plan to attend, please register at the Google Group.  Sign up for the Group with a Google ID and we’ll approve your request as soon as possible.

There is also a Google Wiki Site – confusing? Sure. The Group manages the mailing list and has informal group work space. The Site is more of a Olympic Media resource toolbox. Your account needs to be approved but then you can add/edit content and share resources. Everyone can poke around. Twitter @uncleweed to get added to the Site as a collaborator


For the record, Dave Olson (the writer of this release) is no longer employed by Raincity Studios but continues to work with colleagues Scales and Krug on this project – it’s all good.

PS My apologies for the short notice.

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