Media: Social Olympics in 24Hrs Vancouver, 2009 – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Media: Social Olympics in 24Hrs Vancouver, 2009

Kris Krug and Dave Olson discuss social coverage of 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics with Bob Mackin as in 24 Hours Vancouver, July 16, 2009
Printed detail of Kris Krug and Dave Olson discuss social coverage of 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics with Bob Mackin as in 24 Hours Vancouver, July 16, 2009


Social media strategist Kris Krug said talks are underway to host the True North Media House in the W2 Community Media Arts Centre.

“We’re just a bunch of kids who are doing social media and online media and we just want to cover the Olympics,” Krug said. “We’re banding together to share sources, resources, photographers, places to work, press briefings.”

Krug and Dave Olson are leading a local new media group that sought access to the Games through VANOC and the B.C. 2010 Winter Games Secretariat.

“We were shut out and frozen out at every step of the way,” Olson said.

Krug said the International Olympic Committee is reluctant to open the doors wide to new media, fearing that it will erode the value of international TV contracts.

They adopted an if you can’t join them, beat them with kindness strategy and conceived the True North Media House.

See also: Business in Vancouver tells the True North Media House story + archived link 

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  1. Pingback: Tokyo Olympics (+ Beijing) and IOC Hubris on podcast — Dave Olson Creative Life Archive

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