Tarot Reading, Jan. 2018 – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Tarot Reading, Jan. 2018

My dear friend K. did this remote Tarot reading for me as she’s done a few times previous. Posting (slightly edited for personal-ness) notes here for reference to future self:

{i’ve removed the reading from this public diary and moved t a private stash as it was *ominously personal* and a bit heavy, lovely, powerful all at one – and i’ve learned there are strong opinions about how these cards can be read/interpreted and not here for any hassle}

Tarot Cards Reading: Jan. 2018
Tarot Cards Reading: Jan. 2018

“I’ve been channeling you all day though. I’m wearing the purple calico shirt you left at Dane’s. I stole it from him the last time I was there. (It looks better on me anyway!) I’m also wearing your mom’s Birkenstocks and listening to the Grateful Dead.

I set up the space with a bunch of Dave O memorabilia and letters. I put the photo of you in your Chinese garb on my phone to watch over the shuffling, cutting and dealing of cards.  Your energy was here in every way!

Tarot Cards Reading: Jan. 2018 (arrangment)

I’ve left this note: Now here’s the good news: In 2018, you can finally track down the practical magic necessary to accomplish a thorough healing of that trouble and pain. Make this the year you find a more ultimate cure.}

Current days note: totally worked exactly like that

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