Noise to Signal cartoon makes fun of web biz goofiness – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Noise to Signal cartoon makes fun of web biz goofiness

Rob (day job = Social Signal) Cottingham brews up some witty and well executed cartoon about web culture, the biz grind, work life, geekiness, corporate shillery etc.  Somewhere between Dilbert, Farside and Family Circus ;-) and less self-referential to the “web 2.0 community” as Blaugh.

Check out a few samples (served up via Social Signal’s site) and subscribe to Noise to Signal RSS feed

Note: the original posts are accessible with written description for page readers – very nice.  Oh yeah, he does political stand-up – hire him for your fundraiser ;-).

Noise to Signal cartoon

Rob Cottingham's Cartoons on web biz

Rob Cottingham's Cartoons on web biz

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