Diary: January, sick / end of dispatch – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Diary: January, sick / end of dispatch

January’s diary, super easy / succinct. {I’ll spare us all the details.} ++ thanks Ryoko Olson for taking care of me, Ichiro & Maru at Tsuchida field hospital.

*Sorta* up yesterday (Post office errand) & today (tidy up and make a birthday video for a friend).

Note to self: go slow, very slow.

PS With my chronic complex illness (#mecfs), I’m really susceptible to any kind of virus or if I “overdo it”, doesn’t take much to put me off kilter and the past three weeks have been really rough. I should be used to it by now but not really…

ps thanks Ted Taylor for nice calendar ^^

[Update: Jan 29] Made it to the post office yesterday and felt like a marathon. Tiny revolutions, really appreciate your correspondence >> Will catch up *eventually*.

Jan 17 at Drs office – small slippers are part of life

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