walked to post office as rain fell imagining Van and Vic in April & May writing new endings by crafting beginnings with new cast of darlings {mailed 4 packets of printed matter} 2 "forged" passports 4 x postcards with dozens of stamps 1 portrait of young sailor now a fire
Two observations outside of the doctors office yesterday / yes, can help me to locate myself when my head is spinning after injections
Protip: bring own pillow + headphone & eye mask when going for IV
{this tiny message is just to the universe saying I could use a bit of a good luck spark right now. I mean things are *all right-ish* but a few things really dragging me down so just, you know, draw me a lucky card}
Got IV, then couldn’t really rest so answered some lingering emails, like a few, maybe not yours, but I started on the hamster wheel. I mean *really shocking* right.
Solar: Note to self (and maybe to you), eventually put some notes together – maybe a video blabbety blah – about the solar panel project. Many people have asked & while I’m not very smart about Kw/Hs etc, i can riff basics & our decision-making process. Short version = yes do solar
Cleaning obaachan come in 30 minutes I am wearing a red velvet rope Must drink much coffee expeditiously