Tsuchida Station Construction Walkthrough – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Tsuchida Station Construction Walkthrough

The construction folks have a day off, the cleaners came this morning, the protective sheets came off yesterday so,… did a “cheap and cheerful” look around the new big room, the renovated room, the hallway and closet with maple flooring showing off a couple things including: hand wash sink, vintage doors on genkon, woodstove alcove, tile backsplash, strategically-placed windows, and pickle storage etc.

Anyhow, hang out for 5 mins and see how we are time traveling in Okayama.

Entranceway to our new living/everything/music room features vintage sliding doors (from their parents’ house remodel) + outer (new) genkon doors plus (quite brilliantly) a hand wash sink as soon as your enter / Will be fantastic for our little guy and his buddies, as well as everyone else, keeping it clean. Wood counter, tile backsplash – lots of different textures and surfaces throughout the house.

Note the maple floors, plaster walls and a hint of the big patio doors to the carport which will become party/barbecue/multipurpose space and has another sink, 1.5 m stainless steel with counter for pickling, tool washing, plant potting etc.

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