Post: Jack Kerouac Bonanza from Lowell, Mass – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Post: Jack Kerouac Bonanza from Lowell, Mass

Kerouac postal pack Lowell Massachusetts
Kerouac postal pack Lowell Massachusetts

Postal mail has been a little bit lean of late due to various restrictions and delays and whatnot but wow, the dam burst big-time with a remarkable packet from Lowell, Massachusetts containing a bonanza of Jack Kerouac ephemera and artifacts, along with a lovely handwritten letter compiled into a mini chap book.
There’s more to it than this humble snapshot can contain and taking my time to savour it all (and not shockingly, add stickers to suitcases and laptops).

Reciprocation underway but this is a hard one to match > Going to have to pull out all the skills.

Fantastically #grateful for all the mail and today, especially this one.

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