Scrapjournal: GD50 / road poetry, musings, notes, ephemera, artifacts, 2015 – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Scrapjournal: GD50 / road poetry, musings, notes, ephemera, artifacts, 2015

Scrapbook: GD50, 2015 / poetry, musing, ephemera, artifacts from roadtrip (Hitchhiking board game + Japanese manga, cover)
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015 / poetry, musing, ephemera, artifacts from roadtrip (Hitchhiking board game + Japanese manga, cover)

This oversized bonanza of goodness started life as a hitch-hiking themed board game, complete with funny names for various cities, and then, after various knives, scissors, drills, and glue, became a scrapjournal filled with items from Grateful Dead 50th anniversary shows in Santa Clara, CA and Chicago, IL.

This trip was a “big deal” for my as part of my healing process from a chronic and complex consortium of diseases and i pre-populated with all sorts of little inspiration pick-me-ups to keep me trucking on.

The end result is bulging with thick items including programs from each day of the concerts, dried flowers, envelopes of treats, and also includes set lists, messages and signatures from various conspirators, and other new pals met along the way, along with loads of stickers, sketches, road poetry, postcards, and a few sketches by others.

Oh, the edges are finished with hockey tape and a page from a Japanese manga schoolbook. It is huge and heavy and joyful. 

A few pages shared here for your amusement.

Scrapbook: GD50, 2015 / Sierra page detail

Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: various items including photo of my ole beloved 1974 VW “turtle top” bus
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: Santa Clara, June 27, 2015 page – set list and ticket etc.
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: Santa Clara, June 27, 2015 page – annotated set list, part 2, etc.
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: Santa Clara, June 28, 2015 page – set list, sticker, ticket, etc.
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: Santa Clara, June 28, 2015 page – set list, sticker, ticket, etc.
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: Chicago, July 4, 2015 page – set list and ticket etc.
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: Chicago, July 4, 2015 page – set list (part 2), etc.
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: On the roadtrip back, we played a game listing all songs not played we could think of, spontaneously…
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: a few Lomo “sardine can” camera photos of the Santa Clara lot selling tie-dyes and a “good luck” panorama from a Phil Lesh and Phriends show in a previous year
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015 / IOWA page
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015 / IOWA page
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: a few fun signatures, sketches, stickers and whatnot
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: a hand drawn map and checklist with various mantra and reminders
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015: a computer generated map with various annotations and messages
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015 (back cover)
Scrapbook: GD50, 2015 (back cover)

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