Collection: Payphones (vol. 5) – assorted / Japan – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Collection: Payphones (vol. 5) – assorted / Japan

my fave style, at Kawabara, my former town at a building next door to my crappy apartment formerly the town hall, now a community centre

This collection, mostly here in Japan, of course, if your tastes are more exotic shall we say, then carry on to more various collections of payphones. These come mostly from summer of 2018 if you are keeping score.

no waiting when 2 phones side by side

Hello to the people in the future,

What follows are public telephones created in a time when phones did not roam freely and in pockets.

To make a call, one would either enter a specially-created booth (or box), or simply stand close by as the receivers were tethered to the phone unit by a short cord, then insert a variety of coins depending on the location called (local, domestic or international) or in some cases, use a purpose-made phone card, or even a credit card (though doing so often exposed one to fraudulent actors).

Perhaps you have already imagined the unsanitary nature of sharing a phone handset (placed next/close to ear and mouth of course) with strangers – though perhaps this increased “herd immunity” despite being rather unpleasant. Note that oftentimes the coin return slots were checked for forgotten change but the miner was surprised to find discarded chewing gum, or even-less-savoury items, instead.

in Matsue, in front of the castle moat and across from writer Lafcadio Hearn (Kozumi Yakumo)’s home and museum
must be a train station, with smart addition of AED
here’s your standard, one day they will be gone and you’ll see this photo and think, hey where did those go?
at an unused train station in Izumo, Shimane

This gallery is simply random examples, captured “in the wild” in various locations globally. Additional volumes of similar collections provide additional examples – both international and domestic (to Canada / USA), as well as hotel house phones, see: various collections of payphones.

This one is in regular rotation in my regular life as it’s on a regular shopping street looking to take me away on some mysterious adventure

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