Noticed: Kei-trucks at the cottage (+ couple more) – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Noticed: Kei-trucks at the cottage (+ couple more)

Perhaps more rare than Sasquatch, a Kei-truck that is *not* white {or every once in a while silver, or occasionally black…} Look at this earthen brown beauty! And with a little bit of an extended cab as well. Such luxury! Spotted in our front yard in front of the blossoming ume tree in the midst of construction. Want to buy one for Ryoko’s birthday #romantic

Another more standard work horse for comparison and amusement

Same as above but with another carpenter sweet lil Kei-van

its just gorgeous > mossy green/brown, A little bit of a larger cab, obviously extended for a bit of a stash, oddly enough automatic transmission as well.

Note: of course you can find Ryoko’s Kei-truck documented in this archive as well as the one i drove at the mushroom farm in Tottori decades ago – haven’t changed much i thought until i saw this beauty… 

Oh here’s Ryoko’s Kei-truck now (you can tell by her birthdate number plate) laden with olive tree which needed cut down

Hold on, there are more captured recently… now where’d i put those? {note, I’m really trying not to take pictures of all these  because well they’re hardly rare but, what can I tell you, mildly obsessive when I get a notion}

Lovely Kei-van noticed at medical appointment. Wheels not my style but size and shape is

Ryoko’s arborist colleague, the kindly Yuasa-san comes by sometimes and his rig is always tidy ready

Oh one more glorious organization job noted at a temple/cemetery in Katusyama. retractable roof, bins of tools all in place and ramp for off-loading mower #zen

3 thoughts on “Noticed: Kei-trucks at the cottage (+ couple more)”

  1. Pingback: Item: Ryoko’s new kei truck — Dave Olson Creative Life Archive

  2. Pingback: Noticed: Kei-trucks and loads at Tsuchida Station — Dave Olson Creative Life Archive

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