I did bring pyjamas and toothbrush and hat and gloves besides the 30lb of books (including don Quixote, Ulysses, the orestia, and Lenin)
Keep Diggin'
WordCamp Whistler is Live | Fearless City
Wordcamps x 2 / March 27, 2009
WordCamp Whistler is Live | Fearless City And Dave Olson knitted together…
WordCamp Whistler “Greeks to Geeks” Preview video
Wordcamps x 2 / February 4, 2009
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/2962793 w=500&h=281] Dave Olson describes his WCW talk from John Biehler…
Technology and Art are Old Pals – Upcoming Spiel at Word Camp Vancouver
Wordcamps x 2 / May 23, 2010
Up next in my speaking calendar is WordCamp Vancouver on June 12…
Speaking at Wordcamp Whistler, 2008 – preview
Wordcamps x 2 / December 8, 2008
The gang is rallying up WordCamp Whistler have accepted my pitch to…
Got my 30 pound suitcase of classic and grassroots literature…
Transit Chronicles, Wordcamps x 2 / January 23, 2009
Got my 30 pound suitcase of classic and grassroots literature and heading…
en route to #wordcampwhistler
Wordcamps x 2 / January 23, 2009
Hauling a suitcase full of books and zines and such on the…