Up next in my speaking calendar is WordCamp Vancouver on June 12 at the Vancouver Museum at Vanier Park.
Organized by a bushel of my dear pals who also rallied up hugely enjoyable WordCamp Whistler last year {be sure to say thanks to: Duane Storey (Twitter), Rebecca Bollwitt (Twitter), John Bollwitt (Twitter), John Biehler (Twitter), Tyler Ingram (Twitter), Kulpreet Singh (Twitter), and Dale Mugford (Twitter) for their hard work.}

Tickets are sold out so if you slacked — too bad for you. Along with my talk are even more of my cohorts are speaking including John Biehler, Nadia Aly and Tris Hussey. More to be added but this roster is already looking fine.
Like WordCamp Whistler, I am closing the show down and will be laying down a prezo about creativity and history kinda like last year’s “Are you Worthy? AKA Greeks to Geeks” talk.

In all the commotion in my life recently, i wasn’t sure what to talk to the people about as i wanted to make sure to spread my kind of knowledge but also tie it all in to topics they’d studied during the day, ergo: about WordPress, the blogging software.
The other night in the bath, i figured it all out – really stemming from a note in my original draft of F@ck Stats, Make Art talk from Northern Voice and SXSW – which points out that while the tools are different, the process of expression isn’t new.
Here’s the gist:
Title: Art and Technology are Old Pals
By exploring technological innovations from tubed oil paints and graphite pencils to telegraphs and mountain bikes, Dave will explain how scientific innovation spurs the creative process and how to balance the cranial hemispheres to foster the seemingly opposed disciplines of both building a publishing platform and producing compelling content using WordPress.
Stories and examples will draw from Van Gogh, HD Thoreau, Word Perfect, telegrams, Gnomedex, mountain bikes and the channeled scablands in eastern Washington.
I hope to see ya there.
Also my Mom’s excited about this too.
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