3pm ice coffee & cakes for bamboo cutting crew from “DaveO Kissaten”

Note metal straws & honey on the cubes + new French Press is nice cause higher capacity than previous broken unit & a lovely shade of green to go with the green/blue/natural wood vibes of Tsuchida Cottage.

Re: bamboo “crew”…
My darling wife is doing a project at our house to set back the bamboo forest behind our house a couple of meters requiring chopping down a whole bunch of 20m-ish bamboo trees.
She’s enlisted her Dad & another arborist to help. They’ve been at it for the last couple of days with chainsaws, wood chipper and today a front digger machine (very cute).
With my illness, I’m just not rated for such work so I’m helping out with “catering service“.
(The hope is to put in a charcoal kiln me and eventually pizza oven, bar-b-q etc. with the reclaimed space… and make access a little bit easier for possibly even a small tea house within the bamboo forest)