When busted my foot missing a stairs landing in August, I’d shifted weight from left foot (which broke) to right leg which smashed on edge of the landing giving a real nice gouge and ripped trousers

Last night, repaired the rip with this patch – like fabric kintsugi / somehow it was a little bit of closure
While I had the needle and floss out mending my trousers from the busted foot tumble, stitched on a few more patches, ergo:
A Cascadia Sasquatch patch on a herringbone denim smock of sorts – often used for painting and other jobs which could use the power of the ‘quatch

A “nature is magic” Mushroom on a sweet khaki task jacket (gift from commander Magnum) which sports “Dave” patch and a Cascadia flag flash on the sleeve amongst other flair
{Recently posted a round up of snapshots and memories of my mom as Akela of our Cub Scout pack and my brothers and I stepping out like an esteemed regiment with dozens of patches beautifully sewn on as well as occasionally socks with garter flashes, vaguely unnecessary whistles, occasionally used compasses, and other accruement – so gave me a notion to do some stitching of my own}