Diary: (trying) to bounce up with various pleasing tasks – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

Diary: (trying) to bounce up with various pleasing tasks

Various notes before heading off on a lil roadie to Shimane prefecture (across-ish on Sea of Japan side). Ichiro’s 1st time outta Okayama-ken. Packing light, hitting a children’s museum & aquarium, staying at a ryokan (pyjamas provided). Minimal dispatches, maybe. (by car but saw this train last time)

– carry on

March 24: Trying to bounce up. Did some shoes maintenance, a bit of creative stuff in the barn, bath with the kiddo, eating healthy and taking my supplements but still… dragging :( just saying this out loud to get it out of my head before sleep. No big deal, should be used to it.

Just trying to be 32% as cool as these guys. You know who they are right?

Plan to do some shoes maintenance today. At least one pair anyway, to get ready for our little road trip this weekend. But really, still foggy and in bed.

Or I might sew another curtain. Possibly test some microphones and a little mini PA we got.

Curious if anyone’s moved into the birdhouse. None of this will happen unless I can get out of bed.

OK, general updates

* doesn’t seem anyone’s moved in to the birdhouse yet

* set up mini PA and tested (& taped) 3 diff dynamic microphones

* gonna try fixing up some shoes but do it outside

[update to update: Of course I did a little photo essay of doing shoes maintenance but it may have crossed the street threshold into “completely trivial matters” which means of course, I’ll get to it eventually. Anyhow, my shoes are ready for a road trip tomorrow.]

My brain is so fogged

Photo: family band vibes, impending

March 2x

Sewed these tassels as hangers for hemp curtain to cover the drafty back door. Repurposed kimono accessory. Took a mighty large needle to get through the embroidered cord and several layers of the hearty fabric. Cute & bright though (if not *fancy*).

March 23

Bound back home after seitai / Spun out a bit so didn’t go for ramen or record stores, just home to make lunch and maybe clean up some shoes for this weekend‘s mini road trip to Shimane.

Slightly late to catch the bus to medical appointment, saw it driving by(!), waved and ran, yes I ran/hobbled, driver stopped waited for me and I’m now comfortably ensconced in the bus. Somehow I love this place. {Also, my Apple Watch thinks I’m having a heart attack I think}

March 22

These boots are made for working or, in my case “sort of, ya know kind of working”. Improving the campsite after all. {These are (obv) not the split toe versions or the fancy clip up sides – and I don’t have the comically billowing mustard colored pants >>though I definitely have had those in the past. But think look cool with the herringbone tiles on the genkon floor.}

Earlier I mentioned we’re soon bound for Shimane prefecture – tis the land of Izumo Taisha shrine & Lafcadio Hearns’s home but this is reason for this trip: Hamada Children’s Museum of Art + an aquarium. (Note to self: Weather looks to be bit chilly still)

Chores done, more or less

Salad for lunch, now poundcake

Turmeric tea & laundry

OK, enough tomfoolery… Moving on to dishes, laundry and maybe sewing some curtains. Ichiro started new school year today so we did a lot of name stamping and organizing his new kit this weekend. Bit messy. Also made a sort of lobster fondue last night. Yeah we’re pretty fancy

Music: found a stash of comp promo CDs brought home from #SxSW 2008–10. let’s try this one first ~ bound to be interesting/weird.

Getting closer to my “baseline“ which I measured by doing my beloved household tasks (laundry, dishes, compost out, rice and tea made), plus bathtime with Ichiro (best!), and a bit of meditation and creative work. Rough start to year but new season – let’s go (slowly). #mecfs

Pulled a few plum and persimmon ferments out of the underfloor storage. Look at that macrobiotic goodness!

Super kewt with Ryoko’s apron (I have another one but it’s black and boring and hurts my delicate shoulders so I wear hers so it feels like getting a hug) / anyhow, switched music to Newfoundland’s exceptional “Hey Rosetta!” – absolutely stunning lyrics and music

Since I mentioned stamping IchiStan’s clothes, items, accessories and so on in his preschool kit, here’s his awsum stamp.

Oh one more note: while wife and kiddo were at tea ceremonies on Sunday, used my energy window to sortganize supplements for the next fortnight. A tailored combination of antivirals, energy boosters, nervous system calm downers, and immune fortification.

Also on the list for this week: make soy milk from scratch. And we’re going to Shimane, “the prefecture where the gods gather yearly“ for a little 3 day 2 night ramble. First time out of dear Okayama in over two years (except for the quickie to Kobe for Kerouac)

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