(Brief) Intro to The Beat Generation #video – Dave Olson's Creative Life Archive

(Brief) Intro to The Beat Generation #video

A rollicking rapid-fire, mixed-media introduction to The Beat Generation – made especially for youth (specifically, a 11th grade lit class at a DoD base school) – with topics including:

  • what made The Beats, the beats (ergo: time, place, circumstance, intentions, global mindset, searching for “holy”)
  • characteristics of style (freeverse, spontaneous prose, collaboration, diversity, art + craft + integrity)
  • notable writers and characters including: Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg William S. Burroughs, Gary Snyder, Neal Cassady, Lawrence Ferlinghetti
  • roots and branches extending from the Beats like: Merry Pranksters, folkies, hippies, yippies, punks, DIY and even “digital nomads”
  • riffs about censorship, “obscenity” trials, sexuality, religiosity
  • call to action about the importance everyone with something to say “saying it” – including YOU
  • plus more notable writers: Gregory Corso, Richard Brautigan, Ruth Weiss, Diane DiParma & currently working Ron Whitehead and Anne Waldman
  • namechecks and cameos for: The Clash, Tom Waits, Jello Biafra, Ken Kesey, Wang Ping, Masa Uehara, Nanao Sakaki many more…

Presented from a historic barn in provincial Japan with vinyl records, artifacts, ephemera, loads of books, postcards etc – by storymaker Dave Olson who invites you to ask questions via postcard (address included within).

Educational Non-commercial Use
Attribution “Dave Olson – daveostory.com”
Share Alike, Share it all or not at all

Best Efforts on photo credits. If errors or omission, please advise.
All used under Fair Use Doctrine. Book covers and records are self-crediting. Uncredited items most likely from personal archives.

(Brief) Intro to The Beat Generation with daveo at Giggling Piglet Studio, Tsuchida, Japan

Includes vinyl of Allen Ginsberg reading Howl and Jack Kerouac reading excerpts from and about On the Road/Visions of Cody on a Yamaha GT 2000 turntable (GT stands for Gigantic and Tremendous, really), and excerpt of song from Vancouver bard Dan Mangan.

Finally, a list of links to continue exploration:

Beat Museum: https://kerouac.com
A. Ginsberg Project: https://allenginsberg.org
Beat Studies Assoc: https://beatstudies.org
City Lights books and pub: https://citylights.com
Lit Kicks: https://litkicks.com
Beatdom mag: https://beatdom.com
Beat/Head/Prankster/Fixer Brian Land: https://brianhassett.com
Poet / Translator Wang Ping: https://wangping.com
Poet Laureate Ron Whitehead: https://www.outlawpoetmovie.com/
Dan Mangan, bard: https://danmanganmusic.com
Creative Life Archive: https://daveostory.com [you are here]


Archived at Internet Archive (consider supporting this notable institution)

made with affection in a single breathless riff, March 17, 2022

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