Sharp peekers maybe caught the preview in “Post’d: New Years “nengajyo” in process” and now fresh from various post office trips with stamping goodtimes comes our best wishes to you for a pleasing 2022 in the form of a card from Tsuchida Cottage featuring us in ‘The Linda Lindas” shirts and swag. Note the details.

130 out to foreign address and around the same in process to domestic Japan (with different back and includes Japan Post special “raffle” cards) as of this writing Dec. 27 (hurry hurry printers!)
I hope one of them is for you. I’m doing my best.
Fondly from Dave, Ryoko and Ichiro
PS On the back is a poem by me (naturally) with a few sentiments about adapting to situations and using the unexpected to reinvent as well as expressing empathy.
All the Time Reinvent Re-create Replenish, even Rejuvenate or Rejoice Adapters plant seeds and watch the trees tell time, over decades There’s no hurry We’re here forever Go slow We’ve got all the time for you Records, flowers and paints Fresh coffee with a view If you’ve had a hard year We’re here with our ears Pack your steamer trunk and be ready for queen tides, we’ll spark the woodstove Ramble forth, possibly fret, maybe cry but know – even without *believing* – light is here as needed Always fondly. By Dave Olson, Tsuchida, Okayama

Even more! a few have already arrived and friends afar shared how they displayed their dispatch, ergo:

Previous New Years Cards: