Keep Diggin'
unnecessary postcards for dentist + matcha & ramen
Personal Musings, Post'd (cards + letters) / April 30, 2024
Today, yes another visit to the dentist… It’s a glamorous life :)…
Time Travelers in a New Year ~ Japan Cottage Musings
Japan Cottage Musings, Musings + Dispatches, Post'd (cards + letters) / January 19, 2021
Quickly before running a bath, Dave – regaining equilibrium – discusses creation of a…
Time Travelers ~ art card project dossier & variations
Personal Musings, Post'd (cards + letters) / March 14, 2021
+ Steady on Time Travelers, variations + While doing a photo shoot…
Three books: various kinda & important for various reasons
Collections of Artifacts, Post'd (cards + letters) / January 6, 2024
Three important book, of various kinds and origins. 1) Taisho/early Showa era…
This years postcards and analog letters sent…
Post'd (cards + letters) / December 30, 2015
This years’ postcards and analog letters sent count was well over 300.…
Thankful: a Postcard to Pals
Personal Musings, Post'd (cards + letters) / October 11, 2020
Hello You, Having the best year somehow / full of gratitude for…